Foreign investors in technology fields are eligible for residency in Brazil: Check out the 3 requirements to apply for a Startup Investor’s Visa

– Carry out an investment of at least R$150,000 (EUR 30,000 as per February 2020 exchange rate);

– Present a business plan to be executed in a 3 year time frame;

– Fulfill at least one of the following requirements:

You have received funding or resources from a government institution to support innovation;

You are working in a tech hub;

Your enterprise is currently going through or has completed an incubation process;

You were a finalist in a government programme that supports startups; or

You have been benefitted by a startup accelerator in Brazil

– Prior authorization of residency may be approved if the investment involves a substantive degree of innovation.

In Slovakia you may contact the Embassy of Brazil in Bratislava for further information:

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