The latest annual edition of the Brazilian Cultural Festival in Bratislava – Brazilslava – took place in September and October. During those festive months, Slovaks had the opportunity to experience different aspects of the Brazilian culture, with the screening of Brazilian films; a photo exhibiton about Brazilian indigenous peoples; the launching of the translation into Slovak of the realist masterpiece Dom Casmurro (Pán Mrzút), by Brazilian novelist Machado de Assis; a Capoeira and Batucada presentation, telling part of the Brazilian history; “VJ Suave” image projections around the city during the Biela Noc festival; and “Ensemble Bis” classical music concert at Primate‘s Palace. BSCC members Aliter Technologies, SES Tlmace and Eskada were sponsors of the festival.
Brazilslava: BSCC helps bringing Brazilian culture to different spots of Bratislava