october, 2021

FeaturedPower Transmission in Brazil: Business Environment and OpportunitiesOCTOBER 20, 2021, Online


Event Details

Focusing on the Brazilian business environment and presented by a team of experts in the electric power transmission sector, Apex-Brasil – together with the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) and the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) – will present the webinar “Electric Power Transmission in Brazil: Business Environment and Opportunities”.

With great opportunities in sight, among them the 02/2021 Transmission Auction, the webinar will address the planning and the main trends for the electric transmission sector in Brazil, as well as its general regulatory aspects, all to facilitate your decision-making and help you invest in the great opportunities Brazil has in the electric sector.

Invest with trust and safety, Invest in Brazil.

Register at: https://customervoice.microsoft.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=CEWR5Xs–Ea5jlHiOyklhsr0d7OZxXxHgC1aqdHQRlZUMzc5V0dCQU0zVFNYR1NBREhNWFpGWVY4MS4u


Year Around Event (2021)
